Monday, March 8, 2010


choice of words, especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. Any of the four generally accepted levels of diction-formal, informal, colloquial, or slang-may be correct in a particular context but incorrect in another or when mixed unintentionally. Most ideas have a number of alternate words that the writer can select to suit his purposes. "Children," "kids," "youngsters," "youths," and "brats," for example, all have different evocative values

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Diction will be effective only when the words you choose are appropriate for the audience and purpose, when they convey your message accurately and comfortably. The idea of comfort may seem out of place in connection with diction, but, in fact, words can sometimes cause the reader to feel uncomfortable. You've probably experienced such feelings yourself as a listener--hearing a speaker whose words for one reason or another strike you as inappropriate."

(Martha Kolln, Rhetorical Grammar. Allyn and Bacon, 1999)
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Stylistic Techniques

I. Dress-Up

1. who-which clause
2. "ly"
3. because clause
4. strong verb
5. quality adjective
6. when, while, where, as, since, if, although clause

II. Sentence Openers

1. subject
2. prepositional
3. "ly"
4. "ing"
5. clausal
6. vss

(Advanced: @ "ed")

Minimum Rule: Each one in every paragraph as possible, no more than two of the same in a row.

III. Decorations

1. question 4. dramatic opening - closing
2. conversation 5. simile - metaphor
3. 3sss 6. alliteration

IV. Sentence Styles: Triple Extensions

1. word repetition
2. phrase & clausal repetition
3. repeating "ings" consecutive or spaced
4. repeating "lys" consecutive or spaced
5. repeating adjectives or nouns

6. repeating verbs consecutive or spaced

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Connotative Meaning

Connotative Meaning is the meaning of a symbol that is personal to an individual and not shared. For example, when I was a young child, my father was the warden of a small 3 cell prison located in the Montana wasteland near the Canadian border.

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Denotative Meaning

Denotative Meaning is the meaning of an symbol that is shared by a group of people. If you say the word,"dog," most English speakers will point to the same type of animal. Denotative meaning is what makes symbols work for communication.

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Rhetorical devices

Rhetorical devices and literary techniques are closely related to tone and style. In fact, an author’s style partly consists of selecting and using certain devices; an author’s tone is partially determined by the type of techniques an author uses.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010


1: Determination
    -how do we built strength in ourselves to overcome with each obstacle outside the barrier.This strength is built with values 2:Readiness

2: Readiness
     -faced with obstacle require precise readiness of mentality and physical.This readiness will rise sense to explore,dive and throughly understand each obstacle the challenger so that succesful solution is formed.However to form solution that to our favor needed values 3:Willingness

3: Willingness
      -solution for each obstacle has value of sacrifice that we need to through it with willingness and ready.
When we ready to go through and know what to sacrifice to achieve solutions to obstacle that the challenger so values 4:Acceptance play an important role.

4: Acceptance
       -acceptance of things that need to sacrifice to achieve solution of the obstacle will facilitate our mental and physical to shape our readiness through obstacle.To receive these situations we need to realize where we are and what we would expect so that values 5:Sense of belonging can be formed in ourselves.

5: Sense of belonging
       -shape the values owning and be owned will make mind and physical stronger and more robust.This value will be formed when we can create value 1 to value 4.This process will strenghten ourselves to support and further develop the network in the life consisting of friends and family members.This value will also put us in a safe zone for us to deal with obstacle that challenger.

Once we control all these values,then we can form distinction value in ourselves...

5 values of Qwertyuiop...

1. Determination
2. Readiness
3. Willingness
4. Acceptance
5. Sense of belonging